70 Years Akua Donkor Cries Out For Husband Live On Show


Madam Akua Donkor, a well-known politician and potential first female president of Ghana, has made it clear that she is in desperate need of a husband to replace her late husband.

In an interview with Kofi TV that aired on March 1, 2023, Madam Akua Donkor admitted that it has been challenging to remain single for the past 24 months, but she anticipates an even more challenging period when active political campaigning begins in 2024.

Madam Akua Donkor says that because she has her own money, the man shouldn't worry about raising money for their wedding because she will cover everything. discussing the reasons why she needs to get married as soon as possible and the death of her husband; According to Madam Akua Donkor,

Since my husband passed away, I have not remarried. My ring is no longer on my finger after two years. She said in Twi that she needs a man to be Ghana's first First Gentleman, suggesting that she will win the national presidential elections on the ticket of the Ghana Freedom Party (GFP), which she founded. "I need to get married again because I need a partner as a female politician."

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