Self-proclaimed ‘Jesus Christ’ Rushes To Police Station As Town People Allegedly Plan To 'Crucify' Him On Easter Day

 It is said that Eliyu Simiyu discovered the alleged plans being hatched by some residents of the country's Bungoma County and thought it prudent to take proactive measures to safeguard his life. The Kenyan man who has claimed to be Jesus Christ over the course of his life has reportedly filed an official complaint with the police, stating that his life is in danger as a result of the alleged plans by some locals to "crucify" him on Good Friday.

If he is indeed the Messiah, as he has claimed over the years, the residents are said to have stated that he would resurrect on the third day after his crucifixion and go to heaven like Jesus Christ.

The four canonical gospels, the New Testament epistles, attested to by other ancient sources, and regarded as an established historical event all refer to Jesus' crucifixion and death in Judea in the first century, most likely in 30 or 33 CE.

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For his crucifixion, he was transported to Golgotha, which means "the place of the skull" and is located just outside the city wall.

He prayed repeatedly, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing," as they nailed Jesus to the cross. The Bible says that after being crucified, Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day and went to heaven to be with his father.

Since Eliyu Simiyu refers to himself as Jesus Christ, the locals are likely curious to determine whether he has what it takes to endure the agonizing crucifixion and rise again on the third day.

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