Yes, I've Been Rushed, But I Haven't Spent Recklessly Or Borrowed Too Much - Akufo-Addo Responds To Critics

President Akufo-Addo has insisted that the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Covid-19 pandemic are to blame for the country's current economic state.

Critics have consistently refuted the government's Russia/Ukraine/Covid justification; claiming that the government's reckless spending and mismanagement are primarily to blame for the current economic difficulties.

However, in his State of the Union address this year, the President insisted that "the economy was doing well until the covid-19 and the war in Ukraine took us off course." I've Not Been Reckless He also mentioned the following: He stated, "Mr. Speaker, let me state categorically that we have not been reckless in borrowing and spending." "Mr. Speaker, we have spent money on things that are urgent, to build roads, bridges, and schools, to train our young people and equip them to face a competitive world." 

I daresay no one can suggest that we have over-borrowed or spent recklessly, given the amount of work still needed to improve the state of our roads, the bridges that need to be built, the number of classrooms that need to be built, the furniture and equipment needed at every stage of education, the number of children who should be in school but are not, and the number of towns and villages that still do not have access to potable water. 

He stated, " Yes, I have been rushing things along, and this includes significant advancements in agriculture, education, health, irrigation, roads, rails, ports, airports, sea defense, digitalization, programs for social protection, industrialization, and tourism. 

We can be justifiably proud of the numerous accomplishments we have achieved over the past six years. I hear pleas for roads, schools, and hospitals as I travel the country, and as the rainy season approaches, I wish, like every other Ghanaian, that we had constructed more drains than we have. Additionally, I wish we had more resources to perform. 

However, Mr. Speaker, I am pleased with the amount of work we have accomplished, particularly in the road sector. Roads account for the majority of questions that Members of Parliament ask in this House; We borrow a significant amount for road construction. Are we going to stop building roads?

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